5 weeks later….

5 weeks later, I survived. Not only did I survive, but I learned and not only did I learn, but my students learned. 

There were some difficult days. There were some funny days. There were some exhausting days. However, there was not a single day that I didn’t learn something, whether it be about teaching or even myself.

I learned a lot about teaching, but I learned even more about myself and the endless possibilities I have because of the people that I surround myself with. I’ve also learned quite a bit from my students.

In regards to myself, I learned that I can do what others say I cannot. I can motivate myself to not just do anything, but to do it well with the right support. I can be the teacher I’ve always wanted to be.

Over the last 5 weeks, I’ve realized how truly blessed I am to have the unlimited support from loving, caring and uplifting individuals. Near or far, text messages or 2 hour long phone calls, they’ve got my back and because of them, I can do anything. Without them, I wouldn’t be here and for that, I am most thankful.

My students; however, have taught me more this summer than I could ever have imagined. They challenged me, to say the very least. Each day presented itself with something new. I learned that a lesson almost never goes seamlessly, often times they like to throw in a stellar curveball answer that made me wonder why I hadn’t thought of that first. I learned how to “live in the now” and that just because yesterday was rough, doesn’t mean today is going to be the same, just keep on keepin’ on. Most importantly, I learned how even in just 5 short weeks, I can make a difference in the lives of my students. Even if it’s just teaching them the difference between a simile and a metaphor, or if it’s as big as giving that one “shy” student the confidence to raise their hand in class, I’m making a difference.

5 weeks later…and I feel excited, blessed, loved, and nervous all at the same time. In just one month’s time I will be embarking on this life long journey as a teacher…let the fun begin!

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